Saturday, April 25, 2015

Chantix and stopping smoking

Ok, I'm 66 yrs young, got a 6 yr old special needs daughter and a 3 yr old grandson we are raising.
I'm married for 26 yrs, she is a hospice nurse and needing knee surgery next month.
I have smoked since I was 12, tried quitting numerous times, this time I asked my doctor about Chantix and she was all over it. So I asked for a prescription.
I'm nervous about it, I told the pharmacist if this didn't work then I was done! I have tried everything including cold turkey. If there was a remedy for stopping smoking  I have tried it!
I could just use some moral support. Some encouragement...
I guess that's about it for today. Took my first pill this naturally still smoking.
I remember an old TV commercial back when they advertised cigarettes. Smoking more but enjoying it less? Then try, whatever brand it was, I'm smoking more but enjoying it less, think I'm finally ready to quit! I'm hoping!
it's such a social thing though. Kind of like drinking, although I stopped that 21 years ago...